Alexis Trigo


I’m a passionate landscape astrophotographer, and since 2016, I’ve found my home under the starry skies of the Atacama Desert. The vastness and silence of this unique place have inspired my creativity, making photography my official artistic expression.

Would you like to explore this incredible nocturnal landscape with me? I invite you to join my private expeditions designed for photographers, whether amateur or professional. During these adventures, I’ll teach you all my techniques and secrets to capture the magic of the night sky in visually stunning images.

My images have been recognized and published in prestigious outlets such as National Geographic, NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day, Capture the Atlas and LaderaSur.

Join me on this fascinating nocturnal adventure and discover the art of astrophotography under the breathtaking night sky of Atacama!

Let’s talk!

[email protected]

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